.. _changelog: ========= Changelog ========= I may sometimes push an update without incrementing the version. These will not be put in the changelog. Usage of this for all version bumping updates started 21-04-08. Date format throughout is YYYY-MM-DD Jump links: | :ref:`aliases` | :ref:`anotherpingcog` | :ref:`beautify` | :ref:`betteruptime` | :ref:`birthday` | :ref:`cmdlog` | :ref:`fivemstatus` | :ref:`github` | :ref:`googletrends` | :ref:`madtranslate` | :ref:`roleplay` | :ref:`stattrack` | :ref:`status` | :ref:`system` | :ref:`timechannel` | :ref:`uptimeresponder` | :ref:`wol` .. note:: Changelogs are automaticity generated. As such, there may sometimes be visual glitches as I do not check this. .. _cl_aliases: ======= Aliases ======= ********* ``1.0.6`` ********* 2022-01-15 - Show correct command name ********* ``1.0.5`` ********* 2021-08-24 - Add opt-in telemetry and error reporting ********* ``1.0.4`` ********* 2021-04-11 - Fix edge case to hide alias cog aliases if they are a built in command/command alias ********* ``1.0.3`` ********* 2021-04-08 - Fix logic for checking command - Small internal cleanup (still more to do) .. _cl_apc: ============== AnotherPingCog ============== ********* ``1.1.8`` ********* 2023-05-04 - Add slash commands ********* ``1.1.7`` ********* 2021-10-04 - Fix OverflowError in edge cases (ANOTHERPINGCOG-2 on Sentry) ********* ``1.1.6`` ********* 2021-08-24 - Add opt-in telemetry and error reporting ********* ``1.1.5`` ********* 2021-07-18 - Allow customisation of embed footer (`#35 `_ by `Obi-Wan3 `_) ********* ``1.1.4`` ********* 2021-05-09 - Potentially fix super edge case behaviour with command not registering .. _cl_beautify: ======== Beautify ======== ********* ``1.1.3`` ********* 2023-05-05 - Add slash support ********* ``1.1.2`` ********* 2021-08-24 - Add opt-in telemetry and error reporting ********* ``1.1.1`` ********* 2021-04-24 - Internal: switch to ``pyjson5.decode`` instead of ``pyjson5.loads`` ********* ``1.1.0`` ********* 2021-04-21 ------------------- User-facing changes ------------------- - Accept more values (True, False and None in that specific casing) ---------------- Internal Changes ---------------- - Cache whether pyjson5 is available instead of catching NameError each time - Move more stuff to utils to better apply DRY ********* ``1.0.3`` ********* 2021-04-21 - Add EUD key to ``__init__.py`` ********* ``1.0.2`` ********* 2021-04-12 - Remove print statement - Allow ``py`` codeblocks in replies (eg for beautifying an eval) ********* ``1.0.1`` ********* 2021-04-12 - Use JSON5 to support Python dicts ********* ``1.0.0`` ********* 2021-04-11 - Initial release .. _cl_betteruptime: ============ BetterUptime ============ ********* ``2.1.4`` ********* 2023-05-04 - Add slash commands ********* ``2.1.3`` ********* 2022-02-07 - Fix log error in uptime graph ********* ``2.1.2`` ********* 2021-11-09 - Fix incorrect percentages in graph annotation ********* ``2.1.1`` ********* 2021-11-09 - Limit annotated points on uptime graph to 5 ********* ``2.1.0`` ********* 2021-11-09 - Move plotting backend to Plotly ********* ``2.0.6`` ********* 2021-09-14 - Theoretically fix plotting error in certian situations ********* ``2.0.5`` ********* 2021-08-24 - Add opt-in telemetry and error reporting ********* ``2.0.4`` ********* 2021-08-11 - Fix edge case KeyError ********* ``2.0.3`` ********* 2021-07-28 - Use Discord's new timestamp format ********* ``2.0.2`` ********* 2021-06-21 - Add labels to uptime under 99.7% to graph ********* ``2.0.1`` ********* 2021-06-21 - Require 4+ days of data for graph ********* ``2.0.0`` ********* 2021-06-21 - Significant internal refactoring to make it more maintainable - New command: ``uptimegraph`` - see uptime in graph form - New command: ``uptimeexport`` (bot owner only) - export uptime data to CSV - Fix removing wrong command on cog unload ********* ``1.6.0`` ********* 2021-06-06 - Add `resetbu` command to reset all uptime data ********* ``1.6.0`` ********* 2021-05-28 - Fix commands - Fix config migration ********* ``1.5.2`` ********* 2021-05-25 - Remove custom uptime command... There's some broken shit that I can't fix, rewrite was already planned and this will be fixed then (#23 on GitHub) ********* ``1.5.1`` ********* 2021-05-23 - Fix deprecation warning ********* ``1.5.0`` ********* 2021-05-23 - Move to storing and internally cache data as a Pandas Series ********* ``1.4.1`` ********* 2021-05-09 - Fix unreachable code ********* ``1.4.0`` ********* 2021-05-01 - Utilise an Abstract Base Class and move to VexLoop ********* ``1.3.0`` ********* 2021-04-25 - Allow a custom timeframe in ``uptime`` and ``downtime``, eg ``uptime 7`` - Pagify the ``downtime`` command ********* ``1.2.2`` ********* - Slight logic changes for banding in ``downtime`` command .. _cl_birthday: ======== Birthday ======== ********* ``1.2.2`` ********* 2023-05-06 - Fix interactive setup modal ********* ``1.2.1`` ********* 2023-05-04 - Add a modal for setup ********* ``1.2.0`` ********* 2022-10-24 - Add option to allow role mentions ********* ``1.1.1`` ********* 2022-05-20 - Show correct age a user will turn in `birthday upcoming` when their next birthday is next year ********* ``1.1.0`` ********* 2022-04-14 - Add command to stop messages & roles in a guild - Add dev env value ********** ``1.0.12`` ********** 2022-04-06 - Don't allow users to set birthday messages which contain invalid placeholders (GH #92) ********* ``1.0.11`` ********* 2022-03-24 - Fix bug in ``bdset interactive`` where setup continues after a timeout, causing some issues - Fix bug in ``bdset settings`` where time could be None (likely caused by ^) ********** ``1.0.10`` ********** 2022-02-18 - Fix birthday role logic again ********* ``1.0.9`` ********* 2022-02-16 - Fix role perm check ********* ``1.0.8`` ********* 2022-02-15 - Add warnings to ``bdset settings`` if channels or roles are incorrectly configured - Modify internal logic for checking for channel and role perms ********* ``1.0.7`` ********* 2022-02-08 - More extensive permission checks ********* ``1.0.6`` ********* 2022-02-08 - Ensure announcements are on the correct day when a non-UTC midnight time is used v2 ********* ``1.0.5`` ********* 2022-02-07 - Ensure announcements are on the correct day when a non-UTC midnight time is used ********* ``1.0.4`` ********* 2022-02-06 - Grab the config instance instead of json (#79) ********* ``1.0.3`` ********* 2022-02-06 - Catch OverflowError in `bdset zemigrate` ********* ``1.0.2`` ********* 2022-02-05 - Add ``[p]bdset zemigrate`` for migrating data from ZeLarp's/flare's fork of Birthdays cog (#77) ********* ``1.0.1`` ********* 2022-02-05 - Add ``[p]bdset force`` for admins to force set a user's birthday ********* ``1.0.0`` ********* - Initial release .. _cl_buttonpoll: ========== ButtonPoll ========== ********* ``1.2.0`` ********* - Add getvoters command - Add listpolls command - Add endpoll command - Thanks @vertyco for #114 ********* ``1.1.2`` ********* - Refactor loop - Improve slash support ********* ``1.1.1`` ********* - Add slash support ********* ``1.1.0`` ********* - Use modals for setup ********* ``1.0.0`` ********* - Initial release .. _cl_caseinsensitive: =============== CaseInsensitive =============== ********* ``1.0.5`` ********* 2023-05-05 - Update get_context patch ********* ``1.0.4`` ********* 2022-02-18 - Add incompatibility check, at the moment I'm only aware of TickChanger ********* ``1.0.3`` ********* 2022-01-30 - Support subcommands (GH #74) - Support discord.py 2.x - Support aliases made with the alias cog (GH #75) ********* ``1.0.2`` ********* 2021-11-26 - Slightly change behaviour ********* ``1.0.1`` ********* 2021-11-26 - Properly name info command .. _cl_cmdlog: ====== CmdLog ====== ********* ``1.5.4`` ********* 2023-05-01 - Remove an exception only present in Red 3.5+ ********* ``1.5.3`` ********* 2023-04-26 - Improve log text when a command errors ********* ``1.5.2`` ********* 2022-04-23 - Fix DMs ********* ``1.5.1`` ********* 2022-04-06 - Fix normal command logging ********* ``1.5.0`` ********* 2022-04-06 - Remove support for dislash - Remove support for SlashInjector - Improve support for dpy slash commands ********* ``1.4.5`` ********* 2022-03-31 - Add colour formatting to log messages sent to a channel (idea from sraven, `Discord message`_ ********* ``1.4.4`` ********* 2022-02-28 - Fix logging to channel when the cog is loaded on bot start ********* ``1.4.3`` ********* 2021-09-05 - Guard dislash.py with TYPE_CHECKING ********* ``1.4.2`` ********* 2021-09-05 - Add support for dislash.py application commands ********* ``1.4.1`` ********* 2021-08-28 - Fix AttributeError in sending com log to channel - Fix AttributeError in handling slash commands from Kowlin's SlashInjector - Ensure bot has send message permissions when setting log channel - Fixes CMDLOG-2 and CMDLOG-3 on Sentry ********* ``1.4.0`` ********* 2021-08-27 - Add new command (``[p]cmdlog channel``) to log commands to a channel ********* ``1.3.1`` ********* 2021-08-24 - Add opt-in telemetry and error reporting ********* ``1.3.0`` ********* 2021-08-12 - Support Application Commands (Slash, Message, User), both with slashinjector/dpy 1 and dpy 2 ********* ``1.2.1`` ********* 2021-08-07 - Initial discord.py 2.0 compatibility ********* ``1.3.0`` ********* 2021-06-23 - Add content logging, by deafult turned off (see command ``[p]cmdlog content``) - Simplify EUD statement - Add info on how long long since cog load (how long current cache lasts) on log commands ********* ``1.1.0`` ********* 2021-05-10 - Log command invoke message IDs - Round cache size to 1 decimal place ********* ``1.0.2`` ********* 2021-04-22 - Return correct size... I really thought I already did this. ********* ``1.0.1`` ********* 2021-04-18 - New command to view cache size (``cmdlog cache``) ********* ``1.0.0`` ********* 2021-04-18 - Initial release .. _cl_covidgraph: ========== CovidGraph ========== ********* ``1.2.0`` ********* 2021-11-28 - Add average line ********* ``1.1.1`` ********* 2021-11-28 - Fix multi work counties not being picked up properly ********* ``1.1.0`` ********* 2021-11-28 - Support worldwide data, for example ``[p]covidgraph cases world`` ********* ``1.0.0`` ********* 2021-11-27 - New cog .. _cl_fivemstatus: =========== FiveMStatus =========== ********* ``1.0.1`` ********* 2022-04-14 - Hotfix ********* ``1.0.0`` ********* 2022-04-14 - New cog .. _cl_github: ====== GitHub ====== Note: This cog is scheduled for deprecation in favour of a new cog `ghissues` which supports buttons, for when they are officially supported in Red ********* ``1.0.1`` ********* 2021-08-24 - Add opt-in telemetry and error reporting .. _cl_googletrends: ============ GoogleTrends ============ ********* ``1.1.0`` ********* 2022-01-12 - Add a URL button to link to Goole Trends, without any extra libs ********* ``1.0.0`` ********* 2021-11-09 - Initial release .. _cl_madtranslate: ============ MadTranslate ============ ********* ``1.0.3`` ********* 2022-02-05 - Fix ValueError (#78) ********* ``1.0.2`` ********* 2021-08-24 - Add opt-in telemetry and error reporting ********* ``1.0.1`` ********* 2021-06-07 - Add Vex-Cog-Utils stuff ********* ``1.0.0`` ********* 2021-06-07 - Initial release .. _cl_roleplay: ======== RolePlay ======== ********* ``1.1.0`` ********* 2022-04-11 - Add custom title & thumbnail for radio embeds - Don't replace numbers in radio transmission distortion - Fix radio embed colour ********* ``1.0.1`` ********* 2022-04-09 - Add deletion after x minutes ********* ``1.0.0`` ********* 2022-04-09 - New cog .. _cl_stattrack: ========= StatTrack ========= ********** ``1.10.0`` ********** 2023-05-04 - Add a select menu for changing the graph, metrics, and timespan ********* ``1.9.1`` ********* 2022-03-26 - Fix database file location ********* ``1.9.0`` ********* 2022-03-26 - Use direct database queries instead of keeping data in memory - Memory optimisations due to above ********* ``1.8.5`` ********* 2022-01-30 - Stop using deprecated method ``frame.append`` ********* ``1.8.4`` ********* 2022-01-26 - Force 2 writes on load instead of 1 ********* ``1.8.3`` ********* 2022-01-17 - Manually count up unique users to avoid issues with the bot's own cache - Performance optimisations ********* ``1.8.1`` ********* 2022-01-13 - Performance optimisations (from my limited testing with 20k users on a relatively weak Windows machine this yields 4-5X faster loops; only 2X on my Ubuntu VPS) ********* ``1.8.0`` ********* 2022-01-08 - Show min, max, average (, and total where applicable) in the graph embeds, #69 - Use Discord's colours in the plots for user statuses, thanks Epic - Use rolling averages for messages + command plots - Make the bot type on export commands ********* ``1.7.1`` ********* 2021-12-06 - Ensure plot frequency is always 1 or greater, fixing ZeroDivisionError when maxpoints is greater than the actual number of points to plot ********* ``1.7.0`` ********* 2021-12-05 - New hidden dev commands: ``stattrack devimport``, ``stattrack debug`` - Significantly improve performance for very large plots (a few months+) by using a maxiumum amount of points to plot, default at 25,000, settable with ``stattrack maxpoints`` ********* ``1.6.0`` ********* 2021-12-02 - Allow stats in the same group to be shown on a single graph ********* ``1.5.1`` ********* 2021-11-28 - Add loop time metric ********* ``1.5.0`` ********* 2021-11-28 - Add metrics for CPU and Memory usage percentages ********* ``1.4.0`` ********* 2021-11-09 - Move to plotly for the plotting backend ********* ``1.3.2`` ********* 2021-09-14 - Fix TypeError in log for when loop overruns ********* ``1.3.1`` ********* 2021-08-24 - Add opt-in telemetry and error reporting ********* ``1.3.0`` ********* 2021-08-11 - Move to SQLite driver in Vex-Cog-Utils ********* ``1.1.0`` ********* 2021-06-25 - Move to SQLite for data storage for superior speed ********* ``1.0.1`` ********* 2021-06-12 - Count time to save to config seperatleu ********* ``1.0.0`` ********* 2021-06-02 - Initial release .. _cl_status: ====== Status ====== ********* ``2.5.7`` ********* 2023-05-04 - Thread support - Select menu in statusset add ********* ``2.5.6`` ********* 2022-12-27 - Disable webhooks for discord status updates - Remove Fastly because they no longer use Statuspage ********* ``2.5.5`` ********* 2022-08-24 - Add Twitch's status page (GH #100) ********* ``2.5.4`` ********* 2022-05-19 - Add missing send ********* ``2.5.3`` ********* 2022-04-24 - Add Wikimedia's status page ********* ``2.5.2`` ********* 2022-03-04 - Oops, I broke the cog ********* ``2.5.1`` ********* 2022-02-19 - No longer pass ``user`` to bot.embed_requested to remain compatible with Red 3.5 (Red PR #5576) ********* ``2.5.0`` ********* 2022-02-07 - Add buttons for discord.py 2.0 ********* ``2.4.1`` ********* 2021-09-14 - Limit embed value length in status command, for affected components. This did NOT affect the background loop and automatic sending of updates ********* ``2.4.0`` ********* 2021-08-26 - Cache status updates, and therefore decrase the cooldown on the `status` command ********** ``2.3.12`` ********** 2021-08-24 - Add opt-in telemetry and error reporting ********** ``2.3.11`` ********** 2021-08-16 - Change service base image URL to static.vexcodes.com ********** ``2.3.10`` ********** 2021-08-07 - Initial discord.py 2.0 compatibility ********* ``2.3.9`` ********* 2021-06-27 - Improve embed limit handling ********* ``2.3.8`` ********* 2021-06-22 - Move icons to GH Pages - Make field name a zero width space for when embed fields are split ********* ``2.3.7`` ********* 2021-06-17 - Fix edge case KeyError with service restrictions ********* ``2.3.6`` ********* 2021-06-08 - New service - Fastly - Handle embed description limits ********* ``2.3.5`` ********* 2021-05-22 - Update to use Discord's new logo ********* ``2.3.4`` ********* 2021-05-19 - Fix KeyError which could occur in edge cases ********* ``2.3.3`` ********* 2021-05-16 - Change the colour for ``investigating`` to orange (from red) ********* ``2.3.2`` ********* 2021-05-08 - Dynamic help for avalible services in all commands that previously had them listed ********* ``2.3.0`` ********* 2021-05-05 - Use dedicated library (``markdownify``) for handling HTML to markdown - Remove ``pytz`` for requirements and remove from code. ********* ``2.2.0`` ********* 2021-05-01 - Use the ABC in the loop and move to VexLoop ********* ``2.1.5`` ********* 2021-05-01 - Properly handle errors relating to service restrictions when removing a feed - Improve error handling/logging in update loop - Limit number of updates sent per service per check to 3 (eg when cog has been unloaded for a while) ********* ``2.1.4`` ********* 2021-04-23 - Show status of components in command ``status`` ********* ``2.1.3`` ********* 2021-04-22 - Use deque for cooldown ********* ``2.1.2`` ********* - Handle EUD data deletion requests (return None) ********* ``2.1.1`` ********* 2021-13-04 - Minor refactoring ********* ``2.1.0`` ********* 2021-13-04 ------------------- User-facing changes ------------------- - Handle HTML tags for Oracle Cloud ---------------- Internal changes ---------------- - Utilise an Abstract Base Class - Add some internal docstrings ******************** ``2.0.0``, ``2.0.1`` ******************** (backdated) --------- Important --------- **If the cog fails to load after updating** then you'll need to do the following. .. note:: If you originally added my repo and didn't name it ``vex``,  replace ``vex`` with what you called it throughout. 1. Uninstall status and remove my repo .. code-block:: none cog uninstall status .. code-block:: none repo remove vex 2. Add my repo back and reinstall status .. code-block:: none repo add vex https://github.com/Vexed01/Vex-Cogs .. code-block:: cog install vex status 3. Restart .. code-block:: none restart .. note:: If you haven't configured anything to catch the restart, you'll need to start your bot up again. You should now be able to load the cog. ------------------- User-facing changes ------------------- - BREAKING CHANGES: Removed AWS, GCP, Twitter and Status.io. These will be automaticity removed when you update. - Added the docs page :ref:`statusref` to see previews for different modes/webhook - All updates will now included the impact and affected components (see an example at :ref:`statusref`) - New service: GeForce NOW (``geforcenow``) ---------------------------- Event Changes for developers ---------------------------- I highly recommend you read the docs page again at the :ref:`statusdev` page. There have been significant changes to both the events. ---------------- Internal changes ---------------- - Significant re-factoring into more files and folders - Rewrite of update checking and sending logic - Implementation of Status API instead of parsing RSS - Changes to how incidents are stored including config wrapper - No longer write ETags to config (just cache) .. _cl_system: ====== System ====== ********* ``1.4.0`` ********* 2023-05-04 - Add a select menu for changing the shown metric ********** ``1.3.10`` ********** 2022-02-07 - Auto-hide loop disks, old behaviour possible with `[p]system disk False` ********* ``1.3.9`` ********* 2021-08-24 - Add opt-in telemetry and error reporting ********* ``1.3.8`` ********* 2021-08-11 - Use correct timezone for system uptime ********* ``1.3.7`` ********* 2021-08-09 - Fix error on d.py 2 ********* ``1.3.6`` ********* 2021-08-07 - Initial discord.py 2.0 compatibility ********* ``1.3.5`` ********* 2021-06-30 - Change formatting of ``system red`` and it's corresponding section of ``system all`` ********* ``1.3.4`` ********* 2021-06-29 - Fix ``system all`` non-embed output ********* ``1.3.5`` ********* 2021-06-27 - Show Red's resource usage in the ``system all`` command - Trigger typing for ``system red`` command - Use the bot's name for Red's resource usage instead of just "Red" ********* ``1.3.2`` ********* 2021-06-25 - Correctly display SWAP usage ********* ``1.3.1`` ********* 2021-06-25 - New command: ``[p]system red`` ********* ``1.2.7`` ********* 2021-06-18 - Make the cog compatible with WSL ********* ``1.2.6`` ********* 2021-06-18 - Use UTC for bot uptime ********* ``1.2.5`` ********* 2021-06-18 - Handle no CPU frequency data being avalible ********* ``1.2.4`` ********* 2021-06-13 - Fix formatting of cpu ********* ``1.2.3`` ********* 2021-06-12 - Add bot uptime to footer ********* ``1.2.2`` ********* 2021-06-12 - Show uptime in footer for all commands - Make embed formatting to two columns dynamic ********* ``1.2.1`` ********* 2021-05-30 - Handle embed limits ********* ``1.2.0`` ********* 2021-05-30 - Add command ``system net`` - Use AsyncIter for the process generator ********* ``1.1.2`` ********* 2021-05-08 - Dynamic help showing if commands are avablible on your system ********* ``1.1.1`` ********* 2021-04-09 - Add missing docstring for ``system uptime`` - (internal) Add stubs for psutil ********* ``1.1.0`` ********* 2021-04-08 - New command: ``system uptime`` - shows what time the system was booted and how long ago that was - Internal refactor, splitting commands and psutil parsers into two files .. _cl_timechannel: =========== TimeChannel =========== ********* ``1.3.1`` ********* 2022-01-30 - Show 24 hour time in ``tcset short`` output - More useful error message when an incorrect identifier is used ********* ``1.3.0`` ********* 2022-01-30 - Support 24 hour time by adding ``-24h`` to a short identifier, for example ``[p]tcset create UK: {ni-24h}`` ********* ``1.2.2`` ********* 2021-08-24 - Add opt-in telemetry and error reporting ********* ``1.2.1`` ********* 2021-08-07 - Initial discord.py 2.0 compatibility ********* ``1.2.0`` ********* 2021-06-25 - You can now choose your own format. Take a look at ``[p]tcset create`` for some infomation on how to do so. You'll have to remove old channels with ``[p]tcset remove`` ********* ``1.1.1`` ********* 2021-06-07 - Fix inconsistencies ********* ``1.1.0`` ********* 2021-05-02 - Improve fuzzy timezone search ********* ``1.0.0`` ********* 2021-05-01 - Initial release .. _cl_uptimeresponder: =============== UptimeResponder =============== ********* ``1.0.0`` ********* 2022-02-09 - "New" cog (moved from bounty repo) - Cog for responding to uptime monitoring service pings. .. _cl_wol: === WOL === ********* ``1.1.0`` ********* 2022-04-21 - Add suport for setting specific IPs ********* ``1.0.5`` ********* 2021-08-24 - Add opt-in telemetry and error reporting ********* ``1.0.4`` ********* 2021-08-20 - More realease testing... ********* ``1.0.3`` ********* 2021-08-20 - Stil testing release workflow... ********* ``1.0.2`` ********* 2021-08-20 - Still testing release workflow... ********* ``1.0.1`` ********* 2021-08-20 - Testing release workflow, please ignore ********* ``1.0.0`` ********* 2021-05-31 - Initial release .. _cl_docs: ========= Meta Docs ========= ********* ``2.2.0`` ********* 2021-06-21 - Directly link to each section at the top of changelog ********* ``2.1.1`` ********* 2021-04-11 - Change intro at top to link to :ref:`getting_started` instead of saying to load the cog - Bring docs up to date with docstring in all cogs ********* ``2.1.0`` ********* 2021-04-08 - Start versioning docs - Fully use changelog ********* ``2.0.0`` ********* (backdated) - Switch to furo theme